Click to Watch / Leonardo DiCaprio The Aviator “Handwashing”
Today, you’re waking up in a new routine, in a seemingly new world. Whether you’re working from home, grounded in an unfamiliar place, or are quarantined, it’s unfamiliar, and for most, uncertain. It’s times like these where we can either be overcome by fear or lean into our circumstances, be productive and take part in a potential renaissance.
Over the past few years, the world has been divided by binaries, political parties, race, religion, place and beliefs. It’s interesting to think a pandemic, remedied by isolation, is forcing us to come together and shift our focus from “I”, “my”, “them” to “we”, “our” and “us”. We're choosing seclusion for the greater good of our communities and all of humanity.
Right now, we’re helping our clients focus on how their services can bring consistency to the market, people’s lives and help shape the world when we’re past this. We see this as a rebirth, a productive time to ask ourselves meaningful questions, not a time for panic and self-protection, but a time for vision and compassion.
During this time of social distancing, we're looking inward, reconnecting with the things that inspire us and make the world more beautiful - art, music, food, family, nature, design, stories and the little things we tend to miss. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing what we're reconnecting with during this time of seclusion.
When we come out of this (which we will), we hope to feel refocused and revitalized on what matters to us most and what drives our work - human connection, nuance, beauty and ideas that make people feel, rather than simply transact.
Isolation can be the rejuvenation of the human spirit.
With love,
Your Bodega Family